This verse from Psalm 78: 4 is at the core of why Bible Education Services exist. To achieve this aim we have written and published an extensive range of Bible courses and lessons.
These courses are used by Postal Bible Schools and similar organisations around the world who share our core values. These organisations use the courses through correspondence schools, regular schools, churches and other religious groups, and we support them by visiting networking, advising and training.
Our desire is to make these courses as freely and as widely available as possible, and are actively working towards getting them translated in to many different languages.
The courses are unique in that they are prepared with individual or group study in view, and follow a planned syllabus which allows students to continue studying for many years. The lessons can be downloaded from this website free of charge, or printed copies of the lessons are available through Postal Bible Schools.
Mission Statement
We produce Bible lessons for Partners to take the truth of Jesus Christ to the next generation globally.
Vision Statement
Every partner will have our curriculum in their own language and use it effectively to reach the next generation.
Core Values
The Bible
We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, and its consequent entire trustworthiness and supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
We believe this is God’s work. We are a faith based ministry dependant on the Lord to meet our needs through individuals, churches and trusts.
We believe this is a vital part of our ministry. We encourage prayer partners whom we keep up to date with regular prayer news.
We believe we need to display integrity in relationships with partners and supporters who come from varied and diverse backgrounds. As a Registered Charity we conform to the requirements of the Charity Commission and file accounts every year.
Children and Youth
We believe that the children and youth of today are the Christians and Churches of tomorrow, therefore, the rising generation needs to be taught the Word of God and encouraged to live out its principles. We believe there is a need to love, protect and care for this group of the world’s population.
We believe Partnerships are a vital component to the development of Bible Educational Resources. We aim to encourage, identify and support partners in the Work of God, who will translate, culturally adapt and produce the Bible Time resources making them available in as many languages as possible. We believe in training the partnership groups to enable indigenous, independent user centres to be established and effective in their own cultures.